A Deep Dive Into Paramore’s Music Video For Ain’t It Fun

Paramore were, despite some fallings-out and near-breakups, doing fine before their self-titled album and Ain’t It Fun. They were doing totally okay, selling fine amounts of records and quietly amassing a not-unimpressive fanbase – a lot of it down to frontwoman Hayley Williams’ immense charisma, excellent voice and ever-changing, ever-spectacular hair. Then this song came out and, whoa, suddenly they were in the big leagues. There’s quite a lot going on in this one, so let’s jump right in, shall we? 0.01 As stated in the caption, there are world records broken in this video. However, they aren’t Guinness World Records – the best known and most widely-acknowledged collection of records. They are in fact given “official world record” status by an organisation called RecordSetter. Direc...

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