10 Non-Metal Artists That Metalheads Love

There are plenty of acts that appeal to metalheads without being truly metal, but could be easily lumped in with heavier or more extreme bands. Most everyone is aware that Soundgarden and Alice In Chains veer their grunge closer to the heavy realm, while the technical ability of progressive rockers like Rush and King Crimson could impress even the most stoic of heshers. Goth rock is also an obvious sibling in the shadows, as is its close cousin post-punk. Meanwhile, punk itself is about as close as one can get, especially as it gets more and more hardcore. Metal pre-cursors such as Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple have metal’s earliest DNA in their sounds, while noise rock shares the aggression inherent in making harsh, dramatic music. That said, there are a handful of artists who, wheth...


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We Are Not Your Kind

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