Friends from Moon Premieres Genre Hopping EP ‘The End’

With Friends from Moon, it’s not just song to song but note to note in which you don’t know what you’ll get. That’s quite apparent in their brand new EP, The End. A one-man band overseen by the multi-layered talents of Indian artist Ritwik Shivam, The End is an elaborate, diverse listening experience. It’s heavily entrenched in electronic influences, but as you hear in the EP, it has many different styles. For instance, you’ll hear some hard-driving EDM, and then, out of nowhere, you’ll hear some intense, heavily distorted metal riffs. It’s a combination of all of the music Shivam loves, and it has had an effect on him as a musician. Discussing the focal point of The End, Shivam states: “The theme of the EP is associated with a cataclysmic decline in a high-tech but dystopian society and t...

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