NEWS 2020/01/05
Few if any artists can be painted in one singular light. To claim someone’s music is either pure gold or utter trash is entirely subjective; an album that’s a cultural landmark to some might be totally unlistenable to others, or vice versa. Even those forms of music that were once reviled can sometimes return as having influenced underground listeners years later, a fact that everyone is currently experiencing with the revival of interest in nu-metal.For bands, what’s most important is to not just lie somewhere in the middle. To be fine-but-not-great is a death sentence — either get people to love you or despise you, or, best of, both. To be a polarizing band about whom everyone has an opinion makes one a topic of conversation, representative of l...
メタルコアの帝王がついに復活! ティム・ランベシス(ヴォーカル)が復帰し、活動を再開させたアズ・アイ・レイ・ダイングが7年ぶりとなる待望の復活アルバム『シェイプド・バイ・ファイア』を発表! メロディックにテクニカルに、そしてアグレッシヴに進化した最高傑作が完成!