Hear Momma and Narrow Head cover each other’s songs

Momma and Narrow Head have covered each other’s songs for a split 7”. The two bands have tackled a couple of fairly recent tracks from their respective discographies: Momma taking on Sunday from this year’s Moments Of Clarity album, and Narrow Head covering Medicine from 2022’s Household Name. Both can be heard below, and will be available via Polyvinyl and Run For Cover on 7” vinyl on December 1. “Momma is one of those bands that we were hooked on immediately, we would play Medicine at soundcheck all of the time,” explain Narrow Head. Momma, meanwhile, share that, ​“We’ve both been big fans of each other’s bands for a while. A year or so ago the idea was floated around about doing a cover of each other’s songs. When Jacob [Narrow Head guitarist/vocalist]...

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