NEWS 2023/08/29
Amy Fleisher Madden began leaving her mark on the music world as a teenager in the mid ’90s with her Florida-based fanzine Fiddler Jones, and in 1996–when Madden was 16–that turned into the launch of her record label, Fiddler Records. Her first signing was The Vacant Andys–fronted by a young Chris Carrabba–and Fiddler went on to put out early releases for New Found Glory and Carrabba’s solo project Dashboard Confessional before expanding outside of Florida and releasing music by Recover, The Bled, Name Taken, Juliette & the Licks, and more. She put out her first novel A Million Miles in 2014, and she’s also done work as a music photographer. Now, she’s gearing up to release a new photo book, Negatives: A Photographic Archive of Emo (1996-...