Thank the metal gods for bands like Wytch Hazel. Classic rock revivalists might be ten a penny at this stage, but too many of them feel incapable of wielding the magic of the old ways – or simply come on with a sort of faded copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy bloodlessness. This Lancastrian quartet make records that feel authentically more likely to have been dusted off from a forgotten corner of your cool uncle’s vinyl collection than crafted in the glare of modern metal’s sterile high sheen. There is a lot to be dug into thematically here, should you care. Unlike, say, Lamb Of God, these guys’ Sacrament follows on from 2016’s Prelude, 2018’s Sojourn and 2020’s Pentecost to explore Christian theology with a remarkably straight face, albeit no holy-roller reverence. Son...