Ukrainian grungy post hardcore rockers FLOODLIGHT share new fresh and invigorating singles – fans of Quicksand, Helmet, listen up!

Written during the tough times of the ongoing war with Russia, the newest tracks from FLOODLIGHT are direct testament to being caught in a whirlwind of difficult times in Central and Eastern Europe’s history, happening right here before us. “Hatred towards the enemy and a cold mind that allows you to survive and not give up in the hell of war” are two contrary emotions that encompass extreme anger and hope. The band tried to locked both in their new duo of singles and you can hear both of them below. “Both songs are about the enemy.” – comments the band. “The song “Mud” is about what kind of mud they are, and this mud tries to cover and destroy everything alive on its way. The song is about how this mud attacks you, and how you will dea...

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