Album review: Brigade – Dissonance

The lack of fanfare for Brigade’s fourth album is staggering but not surprising. The Londoners have kept a relatively low profile since returning from their hiatus in 2016, save for releasing 2018’s This Is Not For You EP. Given that all of its five tracks appear on Dissonance, you might assume that you’ve got the gist of this full-length follow-up/expansion, but you’d be wrong.  Outside of the context of Dissonance and before its emergence, the likes of Whites and Hot Sick were strong and spritely in their execution; within it, however, they now form the familiar foundations of a record of deceptive sophistication, the rest of which envelopes those sturdy bones in some truly lovely music.  The moment opener Exit Off The Bend announces itself with a bassl...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon