Apes – ‘Lullabies for Eternal Sleep’ [EP] [Album Review]

We all have that one friend with whom we share that musical connection. The friend who will WhatsApp you with a message saying “fuck me, check out xxxx, it’s stunning.” This was precisely the message I got last week regarding Quebec extreme metal outfit Apes and their new twelve-minute onslaught Lullabies For Eternal Sleep. Four fancy-free tracks of nihilistic fury, Lullabies For Eternal Sleep might be over before you’ve had time to really digest Apes’ musical meal but what a feast those four dishes offer up. Sitting uncomfortably alongside bands like Napalm Death and Nails, Apes’ destructive mix of filthy, distorted grind and a cold, almost industrial, machine-like undercurrent is truly horrifying to listen to. Take “Devour,” for example, which groans into life to a back-breaking onslaugh...

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