Poor Me Pay Tribute to Their Friend Johnny Bender on New Single “Lovestruck” [Premiere]

All we can say is poor you if it’s taken you this long to discover Denver, Colorado’s own Poor Me! The punk poppers have arrived with their brand new single “Lovestruck,” three minutes of melodic, emotional, classic punk goodness that delivers on all fronts. The band has been plugging away for nearly a decade now, and has worked their collective asses off to establish a solid, and loyal fanbase. “Lovestruck” is from their brand new album Stalemate that will be coming in September. The song is actually a tribute of sorts to the band’s gone, but certainly not forgotten friend, Johnny Bender. Johnny’s death sent shockwaves through the punk community when he committed suicide back in the summer of 2018. Johnny was the bassist of the beloved underground pop-punk band The Gamits who first formed...

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