Liverpool unhinged post punk / alternative act YAMMERER drop new track; reinvents

Anyone familiar with Liverpool’s YAMMERER will understand what a redundant concept that is. After all, how can one be familiar with an outfit that not only regularly reinvents itself between releases, but also seemingly reinvents just exactly what it means to be a band in 2021. With such a strong emphasis on the organic and the extemporised, Yammerer were never going to be just another band, and one only need look to previous single ‘The Beachgoer’ to understand that. Five minutes of droning synth, lapping waves and barely audible soundbytes all form the backdrop for a hypnotic vocal delivery, it tells the story of a nameless protagonist who finds liberation in choices being removed. Dystopian? Perhaps. Existential certainly. But this is just one side to Yammerer’s coin. Indeed, their...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon