Jeff DeVito Arrives with His Rocked Up New Single, “Red Lights Turning Green” [Premiere]

As a solo artist, Jeff DeVito may just be getting started, but this polished rock n’ roll warrior is far from a rookie at this thing they call music. Beginning in high school, DeVito became a member of a band called Particle Zoo that, for many years, had a successful run as a popular underground act in and around DeVito’s native New Jersey. Despite various lineup changes, the group maintained a steady presence on the scene, consistently tweaking and updating their musical style that helped them survive the often unforgiving landscape of the indie underground. By the early 2010s, and the release of their Into The Fray album, Particle Zoo began to slow down which afforded DeVito the opportunity to begin developing his own sound and unique musical style which has now resulted in the release o...

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