NEWS 2020/08/10
Like a babbling idiot who was latest to the party, I arrived at the soiree only after somebody had already puked in the pool. How do you even do that? But with at least two untapped kegs and a half-jug of Jameson on their patio, and an unopened bagful of Doritos still in their pantry, I made myself at home and endeavored to make up for lost time by imbibing in short order — consuming their intoxicating aural elixir as if it was water. The ever-congenial hosts? The (other) dynamic duo, sassy frontchick/bassist Kelly Ogden and dashing poster boy/guitarist Luis Cabezas. Located just outside L.A. in a cul-de-sac near the intersection of Spice Girls Street and Motörhead Boulevard, the Dollyrots stylistic comfort zone now has been “party central” for legions of punk-leaning enthusiasts for near...