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Metalcore band Counterparts is back with single “Separate Wounds”!

Stray From The Path Share New Song ‘Actions Not Words’

STRAY FROM THE PATH Share New Song/Video “Actions Not Words”; New Album Due Out Nov. 1st!a

How Stray From The Path Write And Record Meaningful Lyrics With Producer Will Putney

【NEWS】来日も決定しているStray From The PathがNewアルバムから新曲 “Actions Not Words” のMusic Videoを公開


【NEWS】来日も決定しているメロディック・ハードコアバンドCounterpartsがNewアルバムから新曲 “Separate Wounds” を公開

Counterparts "Separate Wounds" Official Audio

Canadian metalcore act COUNTERPARTS teasing 6th album; premiere new single “Separate Wounds”

Exalt Bash Through Modern Metallic Hardcore With Ferocious New Single

BACKTRACK Continues International Final Tour; Band Embarks On Last South Pacific Tour

“Your Arrow” – Dutch melodic hardcore pack I’LL GET BY premiere new tune!

Counterparts have officially announced their 6th full-length album!

Stray From The Path (hardcore, NY) announce new album “Internal Atomics” and tour, debut new single “Kickback”

Stray From The Path announce their new full-length, “Internal Atomics”!

Counterparts detail new album “Nothing Left To Love”

COUNTERPARTS announce new LP; hear new track “Wings of Nightmares”

【NEWS】来日も決定しているメロディック・ハードコアバンドCounterpartsがNewアルバムを11月にリリース、新曲 “Wings of Nightmares” のMusic Videoを公開

Counterparts "Wings of Nightmares" Official Video

【NEWS】ハードコアバンドSanction(Pure Noise Records)が来週リリースのデビューアルバムから新曲 “Paralysis” のMusic Videoを公開

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon