NEWS 2021/11/30
Even if 2022 turns out to be another giant, stinking turd of a year (hopefully not…), there’ll be at least one good thing to come from it: at long last, it looks like we’re finally getting a new Paramore album. “Paramore can’t be ‘on a break’ forever, can we?” teased Hayley Williams in a newsletter sent out on November 26, shortly before signing off with: “I love y’all. See you sometime next year?” Cue emo kids past and present, in all corners of the internet, screaming with joy. Of course, literally any time is a good time for new Paramore music. But the promise of their return now feels apt on many levels. After close to half a decade of wishing and dreaming for album number six following 2017’s After Laughter, it’s about time for a new era. Sinc...