Destroy Boys announce new album ft. Mannequin Pussy & Scowl, share “Boyfeel”

Sacramento punks Destroy Boys have announced their fourth album, Funeral Soundtrack #4, due August 9 via Hopeless Records (pre-order). The album was produced by Carlos de la Garza (Paramore, Jimmy Eat World, etc), and it includes a song that features both Mannequin Pussy and Scowl (“You Hear Yes”). They’ve already released three of the album’s songs–“Plucked,” “Beg For The Torture,” and “Shadow (I’m Breaking Down)”–and today they’ve shared a fourth single, “Boyfeel,” which closes the album. It’s a slow-burning, brooding song that vocalist/guitarist Alexia Roditis began writing in 2017 at age 17 about their journey with gender nonconformity, and it comes with Tay Allard-directed video that ...


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