Watch This! Mark Stewart vs Stephen Mallinder vs Eric Random: Cast No Shadow

Mark Stewart vs Stephen Mallinder vs Eric Random: Cast No Shadow “Give me a half-a-pound of this heat.” In making the current and necessary decision – for many – to either heat or eat, I would hazard a guess that most are choosing to eat – if even an option. Few things provide greater solace, inner-warmth and will to go on, than food. Ask people what they’ve spent the last two years doing, and a sizeable chunk will instantly reply “COOKING”. Finally rendering the fallacy of ‘foodies’ as an elite group farcical. I’m creating what feels like the millionth meal in 24 months. I’m clutching the steel of a preserving-pan, capacious enough, to handle all the collective fatigue, fear & grief that the global community has been force-fed of late. My fingers – now seared to its side – jolt me, fr...

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