Watch This! Lark reveals video for brilliant Nightclub

Lark (aka Karl Bielik) has just released a new video for Nightclub from the quite staggering The Last Woman (see our review here). The video made by Stuarturo accompanies the sprawling lethargy of the track as Bielik’s distintcive vocals clash with brooding percussion and crying guitar work to create an immense wall of gloom and darkness. Make no mistake, Lark isn’t for the faint-hearted, this isn’t music for your Auntie’s 90th Birthday, this is music that will challenge everything you have heard before and you will be grateful for it. Bielik’s gritty, grungy vocals sometimes whisper and sometimes shout, what they do do is give a sense of threatening. There’s a foreboding sense of unpleasantness around the corner, a wrecking of convention and a disassembling of the past. Lark is an enigma....

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