W.E.B. – Murder of Crows (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Buy here: http://www.metalblade.com/webFollow W.E.B.: http://webmetalband.comhttp://www.facebook.com/webdarknesshttp://twitter.com/webdarkmetalhttp://www.youtube.com/c/WEBbandOfficialhttp://webdarkmetal.bandcamp.com/ Comments guitarist/vocalist Sakis Prekas, “ ‘Murder of Crows’ is about the loneliness of death, the greatest mystery of what the end of life’s circle feels like and the emotions surrounding the very last moments of life. The concept of death in W.E.B. lyrics is not new, only this time, the inspiration was born after watching the ‘Sons of Anarchy’ series and the way life, death and morals were perceived in there by a culture that was yet unknown to me. Hence there are clearly several lyric references to the series, it is strongly filtered by W.E.B.’s music style combining melod...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon