Animated and slime-slathered, The Manx have morphed over time from an acoustic folk-punk three-piece into their current form: an explosive, bubble-fuelled arcade-amped quintet featuring obscure instruments, cartoon styling, and their own wonky lexicon. The Manx are a surrealist, avant-garde punk act made up of full-time animators and an anchor salesman. What they’ve become on their latest split 7-inch with FARTBARF, out now through Sweatband Records, is almost undefinable. New Noise are proud to premiere the band’s newest single, “Lazer Lemons,” below: Cynical and gritty, but somehow also whimsical as fuck, the lyrics spew forth with a post-hardcore urgency, and The Manx rage with unmatched energy and a completely unique aesthetic. Their previous LP, 2019’s Malibu Slime was produced by Tos...