Ottowa’s Twisted Limbs were active from 2015-2017. The band consisted of three twisty besties; Adrien Idiot, Rye Bread and Donzo, the group disbanded before the release of their debut, Punched in the Face. The album captured a really special moment for the band, it was raw, free, and all about getting twisty. On March 31st 2022 Rye Bread (Riley Whelan Taylor) passed away and the remaining members reformed to record Battery and encourage listeners to make a difference and donate to Royal Ottawa Mental Health Care & Research and The Riley Taylor Memorial Award. “To honour this amazing kind-hearted soul and our fellow twisty bestie, Adrien Idiot and Donzo (Donavon O’Leary) teamed up with Dana Wiesbrock to record one of the last songs Rye Bread ever wrote for Twisted Limbs. “Bat...