Track-by-Track: Ashley Virginia Details Her New Record ‘And Life Just Goes On Living’ [Video Premiere]

The best music is always the most relatable music. You know what we’re getting at… It’s not a coincidence that artists such as Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Janis Joplin, and Neil Young are regarded as songwriting Gods. It’s not their individual musical talents that got them to where they are; it’s their heart, desire, and authenticity. An artist in the same vain is Ashley Virginia, who’s hitting us with her new Alexei Mejouev-directed and edited music video for “What’s On The Way” today, in preparation for the release of her new record And Life Just Goes On Living on August 13th. The video has a real flower power undertone to it, with Virginia seemingly at peace with her surroundings, as she twists, turns, and picks at flowers out of the ground. It’s a “keep calm and carry on” type of s...

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