Tom Keifer #keiferband “All Amped Up” (Official Music Video)14 de set. de 2020“All Amped Up” from Tom Keifer #keiferband release “RISE” Order “RISE” here “The song ‘All Amped Up’ was inspired by and written to describe the reckless abandon and rush of a loud rock show. With all the concerts being cancelled this year, I think everyone is starving for that feeling. We’ve captured so much footage of #keiferband over the last few years and thought since we can’t all be together during this pandemic, we would make a video that brings the show to you. The energy and lyrics of ‘All Amped Up’ felt like the perfect song for a video that would capture that concert energy as well as the feeling of being on tour. We are really missing all of you and looking forward to see...