Thursday playing ‘Waiting’ in full at “old school NJHC party”

Thursday have been playing their classic albums Full Collapse and War All The Time in full a lot on tour lately for their 20th-ish anniversaries, and now they’re reaching back to the album that started it all, their 1999 debut album Waiting, for its 25th anniversary. They aren’t doing a full tour behind it, and they also aren’t doing their usual holiday shows at Starland Ballroom this year, so in lieu of both of those things, they’re throwing an “old school NJHC party” by playing the album in full at the intimate NJ venue Crossroads on December 7, with an all-ages afternoon matinee and a night show. They’re doing the album “and so much more,” and the band says, “These are the only two shows where we plan to play Waiting and there ...


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