The Punk Site 2022 Top 20: Frank Turner – FTHC

At number 17 in our countdown of The Punk Site contributors top 20 of 2022 is Frank Turner’s ninth studio album, FTHC, that was released back in February via Xtra Mile Recordings. FTHC takes us right back to Turner’s hardcore roots, the album starts out as an angsty, punk rock album that transforms into one of love; as he learns to live with his past, and fall in love with his present. Opening up about addiction, parental estrangement and his life with his wife, FTHC is as raw and honest as it gets, and demonstrates an immense sense of emotionality. Initially striking out as a vocalist in the punk rock band Million Dead, Frank Turner then turned his focus towards a folkier, acoustic-based solo career. Since that time, he has reached international acclaim as a chart top...

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