The Number Twelve Looks Like You release first song in 5 years, “Eyes On The Fireworks”

The Number Twelve Looks Like You have released “Eyes On The Fireworks,” their first new song since their 2019 comeback album Wild Gods. Considering how chaotic this band usually is, it’s a welcome surprise to hear them churning out a catchy post-hardcore anthem like this one. And the comparatively simplistic approach helps put Jesse Korman’s lyrics front and center, fitting for a song with a strong, topical message like this one. Jesse says: Americans often assert that our claim to being the greatest country in the world rests on our freedom. The term ‘freedom’ is almost synonymous with the United States, as if it encapsulates all that truly matters. However, issues such as healthcare, affordable housing, gun violence, drug addiction, and unemployment persist. Despi...


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