The Middlenight Men – Issue #2

The Middlenight Men came together with its collection of characters having clocked up over two decades of interlinked projects, including The Role Models, Duncan Reid & The Big Heads & Terrorvision, with the end result being a band that is the musical equivalent of The Avengers. The comparisons don’t stop there, just as with the cinematic comic book equivalent, The Middlenight Men revolve around a core of central characters with an equally important and diverse supporting cast. And like any good comic book ensemble, The Middlenight Men have returned. Following on from the cliffhanger of 2021’s Issue #1, they have now returned with Issue #2 via their own imprint, Middlenight Records.  Comic book characters always seem to resurface, whether we want them to or not, and It h...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon