The Menzingers – Live in Vancouver (12/08/23)

It was Christmas break 2013. I had taken a Greyhound bus back to Edmonton for the holidays and telling my dad all about my adventures at Fest 12 earlier that year. I pulled up a video of The Menzingers at the Florida Theater and as we watched a few of their songs, my dad mentioned how happy the band looked on stage. Midway through Friday night’s set at the Harbour Event Centre in Vancouver, I looked up from the pit and saw Tom May jumping around with that big goofy smile and I remembered that conversation. It’s been ten years and four albums since I had that chat with my dad, but Tom May’s smile –  that still hasn’t changed. For The Menzingers are, at their very core, a fun punk rock band. They’re heartfelt, raw, and passionate with songs that beg  you t...

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