The Meat Sweaters – Paranoid And Sweaty EP

The Meat Sweaters, not a band name you can forget easily, and just wait until you hear them, defiantly different yet comfortingly familiar too, a punk\synth mix of Devo esque quirkiness, Screamers unpredictability and just enough of a hint of Talking Heads to ground it a little (but not too much). Hailing from Brighton & London via Sweden, this band by way of this EP should be set take the country by the balls and show just what punk should be “different & individual”. Having released a few singles up to date of which the first track on this EP ‘Body Yoghurt’ was on of, this their debut 4 track should lend a hand to those of us who want to hear more of them, and probably leave you just wishing it was so much longer.  So ‘Body Yoghurt’ interesting idea this, maybe an Olympic sp...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon