The Illuminati: Empire of Money and Power

Foreword The number of books available on the Illuminati is staggering. Type in the term “Illuminati” on Amazon and over 3000 books appear.  Some of the books assert the Illuminati are the progeny of lizard-like aliens; others maintain the Illuminati are part and parcel of a vast Jewish conspiracy; a few say the Illuminati no longer exist; and still others present their group as the true Illuminati and provide written manifestos and instructions on how to join. The prevalence of misinformation is exacerbated by imitation, counterfeit claims, facsimiles, and replication.  In other words, most of the information is specious and indicative of a personal agenda.  Everyone has an axe to grind and wants to point the finger at this group or that group, or simply wants to make a buck.  It’s little...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon