The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker (Netflix) [Documentary Review]

The lure of the Netflix documentary, a true 21st Century phenomenon. Lockdown sealed it for most of us, long lonely hours sat in front of the TV. Even the most avid film fans had worn out their DVD collections by the middle of the pandemic, and Netflix became the international go-to with The Tiger King and Don’t fuck with Cats. People who would never normally bat an eyelid at such clickbait were consumed, and I include myself in this. Following the Jeffrey Epstein and Harry and Meghan docs is no mean feat, but Netflix seems to just keep chugging this stuff out with lurid titles and unlikely anti-heroes. One such figure is Kai, aka The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker, who is currently riding high on the Netflix chart. Lured in once again by the sleazy title and the genius trailer, I found mysel...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon