Swiss Army Wife, Avec Plaisir & Celebration Guns Reveal “The Ultimate Emo Album”

The Ultimate Emo Album is the first in a new series of split albums featuring rising emo artists on the Really Rad Records roster, this initial volume includes contributions from Portland’s Swiss Army Wife, Montreal’s Avec Plaisir and Phoenix’s Celebration Guns.  Portland, Oregon’s Swiss Army Wife deliver a particular take on emo with heavy math riffs, gruff vocals and a fun as hell approach. This might seem quaint at a time when most bands are finding ways to distance themselves as much as possible from the hallmarks of the genre. But the band’s debut full-length, Medium Gnarly, is refreshing in its back-to-basics approach, charming in a way that recalls the scrappy early work of now-iconic groups like You Blew It! or Free Throw. Alth...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon