Stone Gossard: “This is everything we could have ever hoped for!”

Stone Gossard may well be the busiest man in rock music right now. For starters, Seattle legends Pearl Jam are currently in the UK and Europe, touring their incredible, 5/5‑rated new album Dark Matter. They’ve already played a hit-strewn set in Dublin (their first time back there in 14 years) and overcome some tour lurgy in triumphant fashion with help from a truly boisterous Manchester crowd. We’ve also seen a host of surprises in the Dark Matter era live – not least Eddie Vedder covering Nine Inch Nails’ Hurt. “I did not see that coming,” says Stone, updating Kerrang! from his hotel on the road in the UK. ​“He does a solo song [in the set], that’s kind of what we’ve been doing lately. I love it. First of all, Hurt is unassailable. But I think the f...

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