Sleaford Mods (with Big Special) Unpick British Society at Manchester Victoria Warehouse [Show Review]

After a glorious hot summer of festivals and outdoor gigs, I need something special to warm my cockles on this zero-degree night in Trafford Park, the morning frost still not thawed and a sea of red running noses queueing up outside the Victoria Warehouse. If anyone knows how to heat up a room, it’s Sleaford Mods, and on their current tour, they are bringing along Big Special, who could well be future rivals to the Mods, but there is a sense of kinship between the bands, cemented by Andrew Fearn’s Big Special T-shirt which he wears proudly tonight. The vast Warehouse space is blowing cold air at the crowd, which isn’t entirely welcoming, but as the hardcore snuggle together near the front, an atmosphere and a warmth builds and Big Special arrives just in time. The similarities between toni...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon