Skullpresser (Mannequin Pussy, Wonder Years) take on the two party system with new political hardcore song

Back in 2022, we were introduced to Skullpresser–the hardcore band with Mannequin Pussy‘s Colins “Bear” Regisford on bass/backing vocals, The Wonder Years‘ Mike Kennedy on drums/backing vocals, Burdens‘ Jared Birdseye on lead vocals, Jared’s Burdens bandmate Dan Zimmerman on guitar/backing vocals, and One Dead Three Wounded‘s Sam Tropio on guitar–with their debut single “Profit From Pain.” That song ended up as the opening track of Skullpresser’s self-released, self-titled debut EP in early 2023, and now the band have announced a second EP, Profit From Pain, which will be paired on vinyl with the self-titled. It comes out September 6 via Born Losers Records (pre-ordered), and the video for the title track premieres in this post. It’s a raging, no-bullshi...


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