Ryan Hamilton’s Fifth single of 1221 project

“Little babies in bathrooms getting high…”  So begins the fifth single of Hamilton’s 1221 project in an arrestingly ‘did I just hear that right?’ moment. But before you’re shocked by such imagery, let Hamilton provide some context. “This song was a gift from my friend, fellow Texas-based artist and all round great guy, Bob Schneider. He’s a true artist, and has a real gift as a songwriter. The lyrics are about how we often revert back to being babies throughout our lives. Bob and I have been friends for a lot of years. He was the first music friend who made me feel like it was ok to be 100% myself. A kindred spirit, and a fellow weirdo. I’m am forever thankful for Bob’s kindness, support, and friendship. I’ve always looked up to him as a songwriter. So, when he sent me this incredibl...

記事が移動しました。新しいURL: https://rpmonline.co.uk/2021/05/12/ryan-hamiltons-fifth-single-of-1221-project/

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