Robbie Morön – Palooka Haymaker EP

Robbie Morön as well as fronting his own band with a most imaginative name The Moröns (yes sarcasm fits me well) and also showing up on some of Burning Nickels work, he now has pushed out on his won, so to this end we now have the EP Palooka Haymaker or in English “a sucker punch from a no mark prize fighter”, wonder if this term was a way of playing down what is actually more of a Right Hook from a class act.  This EP comes at a time when the world may be well and truly in the shit tip that is the aftermath of a pandemic, a time when a lift is needed.   Enter Robbie Morön and his unique take on life, ‘Get Off My Lawn’ for example, a song that has a wonderful simplicity to it, both musically and lyrically, pop punk that says “fuck with my life and I’ll fuck you over/off”.   ...

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