Oli Sykes drops heavy snippet of new BMTH track Kool Aid

While we still don’t yet have a release date for Bring Me The Horizon’s delayed album POST HUMAN: NeX Gen, the band are clearly working hard on music behind the scenes, with Oli Sykes sharing a heavy snippet of new music. The singer took to Instagram stories to unveil not one, not two but three NeX Gen track details, along with the news that the second song – Kool Aid – is complete. As such, he also teased how it sounded, and you can hear Oli screaming the lyrics, ​‘Such a sucker for an execution…’ over monstrous-sounding instrumentals. Oooft! He also revealed that NeX GEn’s opening song has the working title ScREam, and there’s still some bits left to sort on that one (including new verse and chorus melodies) while track three is apparently called toP 10 STatUes T...

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