News: Noods Release Video for ‘Donkey Kong’

“Donkey Kong” will appear on Noods’s debut album Blush, out April 16 via Philadelphia-based Get Better Records. One of the breezier cuts on Blush, “Donkey Kong” is a bracing slice of catchy yet angular new wave that finds Noods co-frontperson Trish Dieudonne analyzing a collapsing romantic relationship from a cool distance. Recorded essentially live and sweetened by layers of jangling guitars and soothing synths, “Donkey Kong” is unpretentious and irresistible. It even comes with a happy ending worthy of Hollywood, as Trish finds herself free and looking ahead to greener pastures and better loves, while the band swells in muscular excitement and co-frontperson Nick Seip sings sweet counterpoint. “I wrote this one while I was cat-sitting for our drummer Shane,” says D...

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