Montresor – ‘Autopoiesis’ [Album Review]

Guitarist, composer, and avant-garde/prog-rock artist Cameron Pikó, aka Montresor, recently released his new album, Autopoiesis, the follow-up to his 2015 debut album, Entelechy. Entelechy, a blend of prog-rock and fusion jazz, featured potent ’80s guitars and surprising time signatures, all enveloped in intense harmonic textures. Although Autopoiesis sounds different, the same elements of prog-rock and jazz fusion heard on Entelechy remain. They’re just employed another way. Montresor states: “The first album in nine years was a long time in the making, with some compositions dating back to 2018’s ‘February Album Writing Month’ challenge. Autopoiesis is an extended labour of love… paying tribute to a lesser-known subgenre of progressive music with a fascinating history, the short-li...

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