Medeski, Martin and Wood Releasing ‘Not Not Jazz’ Documentary

Oscilloscope Laboratories, in conjunction with MVD Entertainment Group, have announced the release of Not Not Jazz via video on demand and Blu-ray on August 11th. The documentary, directed by Jason Miller, is an in-depth look at the unique and wholly improvisational creative process of the revolutionary ‘avant-groove’ band Medeski Martin & Wood as they endeavour to record a new album at the famed Allaire Studio, twenty-five years after their formation. The film premiered at the Woodstock Film Festival – not far from where the documentary was filmed in New York’s Hudson Valley – and most recently screened during the Big Ears Festival in Knoxville, TN, this past spring. Director Jason Miller comments: “I am deeply grateful to have met John, Billy and Chris and to have been entrusted with...

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