Left Hand Black – Lower Than Satan

Left Hand Black hail from Gothenburg and have been around since 2019, they play as you will very early on in this latest album find out, Horror Punk in the vein of The Misfits with a spattering of The Living End thrown in to the mix. Lower Than Satan is the follow album up to their 2020 self titled first album.  Having not done my research on this and not particularly having the time to (I know, totally unprofessional isn’t it, but us old punks have never been ones for rules), this is a fresh ears listen with no baggage to add to the melee. My copy of this album as 16 tracks long, an additional track called ‘Left Hand Black’ added on the end, not totally sure what that meant, but was cool.  Any way that might have meant to be between myself and the promo, and should I have even m...

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