After taking a few years off and one of the band members having a bit of an “unscheduled vacation”, ROTTING OUT is back! And they ain’t fucking around, neither. They kick off this brand-new release, RONIN, with the opening track, VESSEL. Starting out with a brief fade-in before the band jumps right into high gear and begins their high-speed onslaught of old school hardcore riffage. Ronin by Rotting Out Shortly after, the first breakdown hits after a superb lead in of guitar and a slow drumbeat. This song hits hard and fast, giving you a taste of what’s to come. LAST MAN STANDING is next. One of my favorite songs on the record, this is a great anthem song to get you going. Great lyrics from vocalist, Walter Delgado, about a hard life in the concrete jungles of LA describing the tragedies an...