Kid Kapichi – Here’s What You Could Have Won

What exactly should Punk be? This is exactly what, music that doesn’t try to imitate or fall in line, it should always move on and smash down walls, it should also, as this latest album by Kid Kapichi does, be of it’s time and say fuck you to those who think punk should be the just The Ramones or Sex Pistols, music and words that speak truths and call out the wrongs of establishment for starters. Here’s What You Could Have Won is a flash of lightening in the dark times we live in at the moment, fascist abound with their nationalistic ideas of self worth, governments fight for those who have everything, and the needy get left to fend for themselves whilst billionaires get fatter and fatter, ‘New England’ strikes out to plant the seeds of change, by pointing out the lack of evolution from th...

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