Renowned as a cornerstone of the Atlanta hip-hop scene, Khujo Goodie has left an indelible mark since his emergence in 1995. A founding member of the illustrious Goodie MoB collective, he sharpened his skills alongside industry giants like The Lumberjacks, OutKast, and the Dungeon Family. Now returning with renewed vigour, Khujo Goodie unveils his latest single, “Showtime,” produced by DJ Papi. “Showtime is about being ready for whatever. It’s reintroducing KhujoGoodie as a top tier mc that transcends all generations of hip hop. Showtime is that song motivates the listener to want to win in whatever game of life that they are playing. Showtime can also be that anthem for a team when it needs that extra push to get them through adversity!” DJ Papi approached Khujo about doing something for ...