‘Joan Baez: I Am A Noise’ (Magnolia Pictures) [Documentary Review]

Joan Baez: I Am A Noise is a beautifully crafted project by no less than three directors that fittingly reveals the multi-faceted persona of one of America’s most iconic folk performers. The triptych nature of this production is further reflected in the opening quote from Gabriel Garcia Marquez – “Everyone has three lives, the public, the private and the secret.” The latter is the selling point here as we are treated to Joan’s deepest, most private thoughts via intimate interviews, access to letters and diary entries from her childhood, rise to fame and journey to her autumn years. The opening images of Joan, sixty years into her career, musing over archive materials sets the scene for the film’s journey, delivered as a retrospective from her home and various hotel rooms. She looks back wi...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon