Tokyo-based idol group Chicken Blow the Idol has been gaining popularity here in the US after a recent show in Torrence, California. Their latest hit, “Nantesamishiiyorunanda” (‘What a Lonely Night’), has been slowly climbing the charts and making new fans with their unique sound and style. Chicken Blow is a Japanese idol unit formed in 2021, consisting of four members: Asuka Kazahana, Mayo Fujiwa, Tsubomi Ruiru, and Mikan Akari. They are a live idol group that combines the concept of traditional Japanese school uniform costumes and a youthful rock sound. In Japan, an ‘idol’ is a type of entertainer and personality in Japanese pop culture. Idols are primarily singers with training in other performance skills areas such as acting, dancing, and modelling. Idols are commercialized through mer...