Japandroids share “D&T” off final album (listen)

Japandroids have shared the second single off their fourth and final album, Fate & Alcohol, following “Chicago,” which we named one of the best punk songs of July and said it’s the raw, no-frills, explosive Japandroids you know and love. The new single is called “D&T” and it’s another stormer. Here’s what vocalist/guitarist Brian King says about this one: We had been on the road for a year and a half, and the plan was to wrap-up our riot of indulgence with a four-night stand in Philly. We arrived early, exhausted and disheveled, voices shot, hearts parched, and while we had every intention of easing into it, someone inevitably called all-hands-to-the-bar and away we went. One before-breakfast eye-opener turned into two and pretty soon I was...

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