Interview: Colin H. van Eeckhout On The New Amenra Album ‘De Doorn’

“It’s about courage, and fighting discouragement, it’s about burning solitude and silence. It’s about giving things a place and moving forward from that. It’s about passing on the ashes and spreading wisdom, trying to guide each other towards the light. If you see the true sadness on your friend’s face, and if that person is giving you advice about what you are going through, you will take that at heart, and no one else can do that with that magnitude, only the people you love. This record is the voice of those people which forges into one abstract, collective feeling that is telling you to have courage and find the light.”  Ever since he started Amenra with Mathieu Vandekerckhove more than 20 years ago, Colin H. van Eeckhout has always had a clear idea of ​​what he wanted to convey t...


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